It is common for the vast majority of expecting parents to consider the eighth week to be the most exciting stage of the pregnancy. During this stage, your doctor will be able to determine whether or not you are having twins. At around 8 weeks, your little ones will start to develop in the womb.
They will begin to grow a heart, a brain, a spinal cord, and limbs as well. So, within the eighth week, you will be able to hear the heartbeats of your twins and get to see the overall shape of their bodies. By the end of the eighth week, you may expect your twins to begin to develop almost all of their major organs. Their bones and blood vessels will also begin to grow as well.
Symptoms Of Twin Pregnancy At 8 Weeks – The Bodily Changes That Take Place
During the eighth week, you will be able to feel the pregnancy hormone, known as hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin, kicking in. At this stage, you might start to feel nauseous, weak, tired, and/or bloated most of the time. Morning sickness, vomiting, frequent urination, and an increase in vaginal discharge are also common pregnancy symptoms that start from the eighth week.
Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a very common symptom of pregnancy that begins in the eighth week. You may start to feel nauseous or begin vomiting at certain times of the day. These symptoms are the most evident during your first trimester of pregnancy and will continue towards the end of your pregnancy journey. Although almost all pregnant mothers wake up with morning sickness as they move toward the eighth week, there are some tips you can follow to avoid it.
Firstly, you should try to get enough sleep. When you get plenty of rest, your physical and mental health is improved and as a result, you won’t show extreme signs of nausea. The ideal position is to rest your head on a pillow and sleep on your side.
Secondly, you might want to change your diet. It is best to avoid food that smells or tastes bad to you to avoid nausea or vomiting. Another thing you can try is to eat something light such as a biscuit, toasted bread, or crackers before stepping out of bed. Studies show that eating low-fat foods that are high in carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, or rice may help to reduce the effect of morning sickness as well.
When you are moving toward the eighth week of your pregnancy, you will notice an increased level of tiredness. You are likely to feel out of energy when doing simple tasks. In order to avoid feeling extreme fatigue, you should drink plenty of fluids and follow a healthy diet. You should also avoid activities that cause muscle strain. In such cases, you should tell someone else to help with your chores.

Bloatedness is another common symptom of pregnancy, especially as you move toward your eighth week. When you are bloated, your stomach feels heavy as it is full of gas. The pregnancy hormone responsible for bloating is called progesterone. Progesterone slows down the rate of digestion and hence, causes a bloated stomach. This hormone may cause frequent burping as well. You should not confuse a bloated stomach with a belly bump. Your belly bump won’t be noticeable at week 8.
Frequent Urination
Frequent urination is another common symptom of pregnancy. A pregnant woman will tend to pee at least seven times in a span of 24 hours. During pregnancy, your body produces an increased level of fluids and, as a result, you will be running to the washroom to urinate more often than before.
Another reason for frequent urination is your growing uterus. Your bladder is placed right in front of your uterus. Since your uterus is getting bigger and bigger as you move closer to your due date, the growing size of your uterus will tend to put more pressure on your bladder. As a result, you will feel the urge to pee more frequently.
Change In Appetite

Many women experience a change in appetite during pregnancy. Since your hormone levels in your body change, you might expect an intense craving for food. The most common pregnancy cravings are sweets, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. You may also experience an intense craving for junk food such as fries, pizza, burgers, and lots more. As you move closer to your due date, you might also notice that your cravings will change. So, do not be surprised if you are craving a bizarre combination of foods.
It is important to follow a healthy and nutritious diet in order to optimize your twins’ health. You should try to include a high amount of protein such as eggs, fish, meat, or pulses in your diet.
You should also try to consume more fruits and vegetables every day. If you aren’t lactose intolerant, you should consume more dairy as well. Foods such as yogurt, milk, and cheese will provide your body with sufficient calcium. You might also want to include carbs such as rice, pasta, potatoes, and whole grains in your diet.
It is best to consume homemade, well-cooked food rather than outside food. You might want to consume multiple small meals throughout the day rather than big meals that make you feel bloated or tired.
Increased Vaginal Discharge
An increased vaginal discharge during the eighth week of your pregnancy is very common. Your vaginal discharge is more because there is an increased level of estrogen present in your body. An increase in vaginal discharge actually helps to block infections from reaching the womb via your vagina. So, it is quite beneficial for you and your growing baby.
Breast Changes
One of the early signs of pregnancy that you will experience at around the eighth week is a change in the appearance of your breasts. Although this depends from person to person, the most common signs are swelling, tenderness, or soreness in the breasts.
Your breasts may start to feel a bit heavier or fuller than before. There may be a change in color as well. In most cases, your nipples become darker. The veins around your breasts may become more visible as you move toward the end of the eighth week of pregnancy. You will also notice tiny bumps around your areola. These will help to support lactation in the later stages of your pregnancy.
Twins Fetal Development At 8 Weeks – What The Sonogram Shows At 8 Weeks

Organ System
By the end of the eighth week, all of your twins’ major organs will have developed. The neural tubes combine together to start forming a brain, the heart will begin to pump blood at about 150 beats per 60 seconds, and the liver and kidneys will begin to develop as well. At this stage, your twins’ lungs will begin to grow, too.
The arms and legs of your twins will grow longer as you move into the eighth week. During this stage, your twins will have grown wrists and feet as well. Their fingers and toes will be fused together, rather than separate.
Face And Body Structure
The skin of your twins is very thin at this stage so you might be able to see their veins clearly. The sense organs of your twins will start to form from this stage onwards. Your twins will have formed eyelids, too. The shape of their head will change as well.
The sides of their faces will become uneven for the development of their ears, the eyes will begin to form, and the cells that will form your twins’ teeth will cluster together around the mouth area.
During this stage, the head and the body of your twins will be the same size. Each twin will grow to the size of a kidney bean, each weighing about a gram.
Gestational Sac
In the sonogram, the gestational sac will become visible. This gestational sac is an area in the womb, filled with amniotic fluids, that surrounds the embryo during the first trimester of the pregnancy.
It acts as a source of nourishment for the embryo and thus, protects the embryo throughout your pregnancy cycle. Once the gestational sac is formed, a yolk sac is visible which develops into an umbilical cord, blood cells, and reproductive organs during this stage. It is common for your twins to each have their own gestational sac.
Umbilical Cord
During the eighth week, the umbilical cord, which connects the embryo to the placenta, can be seen in the sonogram. This umbilical cord is very important as it provides nourishment to the twins from the mother throughout the pregnancy. It does not matter whether you are having fraternal or identical twins – each twin will have its own umbilical cord.
Twin Pregnancy: Week 8

The eighth week of your pregnancy is when your body starts changing, the pregnancy symptoms begin to kick in, and you will start to see a different version of yourself. Although this is an exciting time for expecting mothers, it can be quite stressful as well.
Feeling nauseous or tired throughout the day can take a toll on both your mental and physical health. You must eat a balanced and nutritious diet, drink at least 8 to 12 cups of water each day, and may also start practicing yoga or meditation to cope with stress.
How will I know if my twins are identical or fraternal?
You will be able to find out whether you are having identical or fraternal twins between the 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. During this time period, your twins will have separate membranes and so, it will be easier to identify the type of twins you will be having.
Can I have a miscarriage with twins at 8 weeks?
It is possible to have a miscarriage with twins at 8 weeks. There is something called a Vanishing Twin Syndrome where one of the twins is lost. In this case, you will not have twins – you will have a single baby.
What are the signs of a miscarriage?
Most mothers who have a miscarriage tend to experience cramping and pain in the lower belly. There is heavy vaginal bleeding and the pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, breast changes, and frequent urination are gone. A miscarriage usually occurs by the eighth week of pregnancy.